Account Managment

MPC Method – Teamwork Basics

In order for MPC to work efficiently and have consistency in client reporting and billing, it is important to ensure Teamwork is being used across the agency with the same format and cadence.

All projects should be named “Client Name Monthly Activities” unless it is a short term project or event.

Time tracking should be done in real-time and should be applied to appropriate task, including admin time. Interruptions can happen, but all time should be entered into Teamwork by the end of the business day to avoid inaccuracy.

The lead on each account is responsible to have all work on teamwork updated every week. By 3 pm PT Friday, all accounts should be updated for the following week, and if there are “late” tasks, emails should be sent by the lead to the team member responsible for that task to have it updated. Any projects that are experiencing delays beyond what would be considered reasonable should be reported to the senior staff member over the account.

When adding work for the following month, account leads are responsible to replicating each task list for the upcoming month, and when the current month is over, the previous month should be closed out by the end of the business day on the last day of that month.

All work for the following month should be in teamwork and checked for estimated hours/allocations and deadlines set by the end of the business day two days before the new month begins. Each client project report for the following month is due to the client on the first day of the new month, or the last business day of the month if the 1st occurs on a weekend. All reports should be approved by the appropriate supervisor before going to the client (so back in enough time to meet the deadline).

When creating a new month, it is imperative that the following be done within the new projects:

  • New task lists for general activities labeled for the month
  • New task list for media relations for the month
  • Beginning and ending dates for each project, including ongoing projects that get extended into the next month
  • Estimated time for each sub task
  • Team member assigned to each sub task
  • TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME MUST MATCH RETAINER before the next month begins
    • *if there are any questions at all about retainer amount, or concerns on meeting that time allocation, please check with your supervisor ASAP

Within the Monthly Activities project, the major task lists should be labeled the same as they are on biweekly activity reports that are sent to the client during each month:

  1. General Activities
    1. Account Management
      1. Internal team calls
    2. (month) Biweekly report
    3. (month) Biweekly/weekly client call
    4. (month) media report
    5. (month) annual plan tracking
  2. Media Relations
    1. (month) Editorial calendar
    2. (month) Proactive pitching
    3. Any other project
  3. Written Materials
    1. News release
      1. Draft news release and provide to client
      2. Edit news release and obtain approval
      3. Arrange wire service
      4. Schedule Cision distribution
      5. Media relations follow-up
    2. Any other written project with similar subtasks
  4. Marketing Projects
    1. Social media
      1. (month) calendar
      2. Client approval
      3. Create (month) content
      4. Final approval
      5. Schedule content
      6. Interaction
    2. Other project or event
      1. Steps for each sub task should follow a general flow of draft, edit, approval

There are always exceptions to what is considered standard procedure, so please reach out to management if there are questions or concerns regarding these basic processes.

Completed monthly reports.

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Creating new monthly report.

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