Client Communications

MPC Method – Client Communications

Client communications is the cornerstone of a healthy account. Without clear and consistent communications, an account can easily get off track and eventually end up in danger. These steps will help keep an account healthy and thriving.

  • New month report – a forward-looking report on the first of the month should be sent to the client, with all planned work for that month included. This report should estimate the time equivalent to the retainer or project amount.
    • A video detailing how to create this report is available on the MPC Method portal
  • Biweekly report – this is just the same report as the new month report but updated at mid-month and sent to the client as an update to where projects are in process. The method to creating this report is the same as the new month report. If there isn’t progress on the project, that is the first indication of a problem with the project and should be addressed.
  • Weekly or Biweekly client call – There should be a recurring call set with the client and led by the account lead to ensure projects are moving forward. This is a good time to demonstrate expertise and advise client on additional projects as needed. The account lead should always have an agenda for the call ahead of time so nothing is forgotten.
  • Monthly activity report – This report should be produced at the end of the month utilizing the ‘time’ feature, setting the date range and picking Monthly Activity Report from the Saved Filters.
    • A video detailing how to create this report is available on the MPC Method portal

Outside of the reporting structure MPC has set forth above, it is important to ensure that client communications are consistent. Here are a few additional tips to ensure client communications are strong.

  • Respond to client emails the same business day. If they have a question you’re unsure of, at the least respond that you will get back to them ASAP. In those cases, be sure you’re checking in with your supervisor to problem solve
  • If you haven’t spoken to or emailed with your client contact in several days, do a check-in with your team internally, and see if there’s anything that needs to be done that will help boost communications again.
  • Be sure that no month goes by without proactive media relations. Whether ed cal checks, securing a contributed article or doing a scan of recent news in the industry, these actions keep the client name in the news as well as opens opportunities to keep communications positive.
  • Plan Check. A review of the annual plan monthly will help ensure the account stays on track
  • Brainstorm. If the account feels sluggish, it may be time for an MPC all-hands brainstorm!