Newman University to Bring Affordable Higher Education to Garden City 

Rachel LeadholdClient News

Scholarships and Grants Make Bachelor’s Degrees Available to Students in Garden City for as Little as $750 Per Year

May 15, 2024 (Garden City, KS) – Newman University and Garden City Community College recently announced their partnership to bring bachelor’s degree programs to students here in Garden City. Enrollment is open now for summer and fall of 2024, offering students the option to major in nursing, teaching, agribusiness or business. The program focuses on ensuring neither location nor financial factors prevent students from receiving higher education and achieving their career goals. 

According to The University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), 42% of students in America drop out of college because of financial reasons, and 32% drop out due to family commitments. This new bachelor’s degree program in Garden City works to address two of the primary reasons students choose not to, or are unable to, receive higher education. According to the U.S. News & World Report data, the average annual tuition for one year of public in-state college in 2023 was $10,662. Newman University is bringing the same degree offerings to students of Garden City for a fraction of that cost. 

All students who graduate from Garden City Community College with their associate degree, automatically qualify for a $20,000 scholarship towards their course work on their bachelor’s degree through Newman University. Additionally, students who choose nursing, business or agribusiness will receive a federal Pell or state grant match. This means that all federal Pell or state grants will be matched by Newman University, up to $7,500. 

Students who are working towards earning their bachelor’s degree in teaching are eligible for additional scholarships, including a Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant and the Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship. The TEACH Scholarship provides students up to $6,504 in addition to any federal Pell or state grants.  

This new bachelor’s degree program is going to be lifechanging for many residents of Garden City and the surrounding towns. Affordable, flexible learning is typically seen as an online-only option, whereas with this program, students receive the stimulating course work and have the opportunity to learn from the incredible Newman University professors, in-person, right here in Garden City. 

About Newman: 

Founded in 1933, Newman University is grounded in Catholic values and traditions, yet is respectful of all activities designed to educate their minds and inspire their spirits. With new courses offered at Garden City Community College, Newman hopes to bring the same to residents of Garden City. 

The main campus is in Wichita, Kansas with outreach sites in Southeast Kansas, Southwest Kansas, Tulsa, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Newman is a sponsored ministry of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ United States Region. 

About GCCC: 

Founded in 1919, Garden City Community College (GCCC) has served the pubic longer than any other community college in Kansas. GCCC is the senior leader in community college education for Kansas, with a tradition of preparing people of all ages from diverse backgrounds for success in their lives and careers. 

The mission of GCCC is to help each student become a positive contributor to the economic and social well-being of society. GCCC offers opportunities for every individual through our shared vision of becoming the premier educational nexus to progress and world-class learning in a dynamic environment. From here, you can go anywhere. 


Media Contact Information: 

Master Plan Communications 

Ashton Maxfield 

[email protected]



Emme Rothberg 

[email protected]
