Meet MPC – Ashton

Rachel LeadholdMPC News

If you know MPC you probably know Ashton Maxfield. Since founding MPC back in 2011, Ashton has brought his love of helping businesses grow with strategic PR and marketing to a wide variety of brands and industries. He has a … Read More

Meet MPC – Nick

Rachel LeadholdMPC News

The Meet MPC series continues, and this week we’re spotlighting our graphic designer, Nick! Nick has worked in graphic and web design for over 15 years, almost 10 of which have been with MPC, and we couldn’t be happier to … Read More

Meet MPC – Kirsten

Rachel LeadholdMPC News

Meet MPC continues with Kirsten! Kirsten has been a vital part of the MPC team for 12 years now, with almost 30 years of experience in marketing and PR. She loves the travel, client relationships, and storytelling of agency life, … Read More

Meet MPC – Anissa

Rachel LeadholdMPC News

We’re continuing our Meet MPC series with Anissa! Anissa has been with MPC for almost 4 years now, and her dedication, drive, and bubbly personality never fail to inspire us. When she isn’t expertly juggling accounts, Anissa is an avid runner … Read More

Meet MPC – Emme

Rachel LeadholdMPC News

Next up in the Meet MPC series, Emme! Since joining MPC last year, Emme has quickly become an integral part of our team and we couldn’t be happier to have her! Outside of MPC, Emme spends her time traveling and … Read More

Meet MPC – Rachel

Rachel LeadholdMPC News

Meet MPC! Every week we’re going to highlight a member of our MPC team, and first up is our newest hire Rachel! Rachel started working with MPC as a contractor in November of 2023, then joined as a full time member … Read More